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Maintenance Issue                                                           Number To Call

Gas leak                                                                               Please call  on 0121 798 1618

Emergency electrical issue (causing danger to life)

Please check your fuse board to ensure no fuses have tripped. Please call on 0121 798 1618

Please be aware that if the leak is coming from outside, then a roofer cannot repair this until it is dry outside. Please call the office on the next working day and also log on our website portal to report.


If water is leaking near to any electrics, please turn that area of electrics off at the fuse board.

Roof leak

Boiler issue

If there is no heating and hot water to the property,


please first check the pressure on the boiler. If it is below 1 bar it will need to be topped up to 1.5 bar – There are multiple videos on YouTube showing how to do so.


If the issue has not been resolved by topping up the pressure, please call the office on the next working day and also log on to our website portal to report.

Internal leak

If it is an internal water leak, please turn off the water from the stop tap. Flooding and damage caused from this will be a tenant charge



If there is still a leak after following the above please call 0121 798 1618

Fire alarm issue/ House alarm

The code to reset the fire alarm system should be located on/ next to the panel.



If you are unable to reset the fire alarm yourselves and this is due to a tenant’s actions(i.e. smoking or burning food) then this will be charged to the tenants if a third party contractor is required to attend the property.


Please call 0121 798 1618

Break in (where windows or doors need boarding up)

Please call the Police (999).



Following making your report and obtaining the crime reference number. If property needs securing then please call 0121 798 1618

Locked out

Please be aware that if you have locked yourselfout of your house or bedroom then you will be liable to pay a charge to the third-party locksmith company to provide access.

The charges are as follows:


  • Weekdays : 5:30pm-10pm – £50

  • Weekdays : 10pm- 9am- £120

  • Saturday : 4pm – 12am £120

  • Sunday/ bank holidays – £120


The locksmith will need to be put in funds before attending the house to let you in.

Please call 0121 798 1618

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